I'm back in NYC for a brief pit stop before heading back to Barcelona, which in itself is a pit stop before heading to Munich for Oktoberfest. Oh and take your time reading this post because I probably won't post again till after Oktoberfest and Prague.Good times. Speaking of good times....just uploaded a bunch of pictures from the last 3 weeks I was in LA. So onwards and forwards to the pictorial review.
I don't know where they got that "fact" about Japan. The French seem to share similar preferences with people from the South.
Random picture of rednecks and bacon.
Courtyard by the California Science Center. Oh yeah the pizza picture was taken at the California Science Center as we were there to visit the exhibition
Mummies of the World. Very interesting mummies they had. They were super strict about disallowing photography so I couldn't get any haunting shots of the mummies. On a side note, I was so wrapped up in the exhibit it was tough to concentrate. Yep, still got my A game.
Pic from MSNBC. One of the creepier baby mummies. They didn't have the mommy. Or is it mummy? Oh god I crack myself up sometimes.
On the way to a friend's Labor Day BBQ we drove past a brush fire on the 405. For all you ladies, hot firemen in action.
My very good friend from high school just bought a house in San Pedro. He's a huge craft beer guy and brews his own stuff all the time. He's also the one that runs
overcarbed.com. Anyways, he had this kick-ass kegerator with 4 of his recent brews on tap.
History of brews
Some bottled good stuff in the cellar.
He actually built this superfast cooling rig out of a toolbox and some other random parts. I bet if I gave him some matches, a pen and duct tape he could build me an phonograph.
Am I inside or outside. Outside or inside? His house came with a ceiling mural.
And we fast forward to the last weekend I was in LA. It isn't a summer in LA without visiting the Los Angeles County Fair. This isnt the fair. It's the parking lot. Duh.
The goddamn parking lot was so big that it required a tram to shuttle people back and forth from the main entrance. Actually, the entrance was maybe a 5 minute walk but we're Americans so that's like 1014039284139 miles or 1230941029481097510293801927510148 Euro-meters.
As a teen pop "star" does it make you happy that you sold out your concert at the fair? I'm not putting up a picture of Selena Gomez so you're gonna have to google her yourself. I've noticed that people search for the most random things and end up at my blog and the last thing I want is people googling Selena Gomez and my blog pops up. To throw off those fans: Selena Gomez is a man. Google that!
Our visit courtesy of Toyota. Surprisingly hard to get apparently.
That rollercoaster just rams itself into the popcorn. That's how carnival rides work in America.
With awesome aerial views of Pomona, California. Fun facts about Pomona.
Wikipedia lists 4 rappers and 3 porn stars as notable residents of Pomona.
Ah, reminds me of my high school days. Alto sax in the marching band baby. You don't even know how cool that was in my head.
Pirates? Pirates that are worried about skin damage caused by the harmful UV rays? Somehow I don't think he's a real pirate. I mean what pirate carries a bass? We all know pirates play the guit-arrrrrrrr.
The Budweiser clydesdales. These horses were freaking massive. I can only imagine what their p...
They had a freaking manger at the fair. Jesus is probably chillin somewhere in there.
Mini horses. Why they were bred to be this small? No idea. But it's kinda like electronics. The smaller they are the cooler it is. This is also how I rationalize my height.
The other girls that got the ice cream got the kid size portions, which were huge. What size does the SO decide to get? Regular. This was all eaten in about 3 minutes. Her response after I gave her the "Are you serious?" look. "What? It's hot."
In some sly marketing, McDonalds had this farm set up. Various plants were shown. I wonder where the McNugget farm is?
A goat.
Totally fried everything.
Top row: Krispy Kreme doughnut bun chicken sandwich. Totally fried Klondike bar. Totally friend Smores. Totally fried Frog Legs.
Bottom row: Totally fried avocados. Totally fried White Castle burger. Totally friend peanut butter and jelly, and the topper Totally Fried Twinkies.
My fingers got fat typing that.
We couldn't leave without playing some impossibly hard carnival games. I won zero prizes while the SO won one.
Pay 5 dollars to have a chance to win a 45 cent prize. Yay.
About two months ago I visited the downtown Sheraton after a wedding. I wasn't treated very well by the front desk attendant so I wrote a letter to Sheraton describing how perturbed I was by the front desk attendant's attitude. Almost immediately after my letter was sent the GM of the hotel contacted me to apologize. I was thoroughly impressed with the quick response by Sheraton and I think my loyalty to Starwood has increased. It doesn't hurt that I got a free night's stay to go along with the apology. The day of the fair we also had a Phoenix concert to attend so I arranged for us to use the free night stay for the concert night. Pretty swank corner room on the 21st floor.
The Phoenix concert was held at The Hollywood Bowl. Prior to the concert we met up with an old friend of mine and picnicked with some wine and food.
Grizzly Bear performing.
Phoenix performing. I hadn't even heard of the band until the SO said we were going to their concert. Definitely a fan now.
It is now 1am and my red eye flight back to Barcelona is tomorrow. I bid you all a good week. Auf wiedersehen.