You don't want to be waken up to messages asking about whether your family is okay or not. Early morning EST a 8.9 magnitude earthquake shook Japan. Since pretty much my entire family lives in Japan this is really not fun news to wake up to.
Call my mom in NYC and she is already hitting the phone lines making sure everyone is okay. Tells me that my dad isn't picking up his phone and not answering his emails. He was on business in Tokyo/Nagoyoa. Awesome.
Get a call a couple minutes later from my mom that my mom's side has all been accounted for. No injuries. Helped that they weren't near a coast but since they live 2 hours from Tokyo the earthquake did shake them quite a bit.
Text at 7:30 stating that my dad finally checked in and my grandparents in Tokyo are fine. They were actually vacationing at a seaside resort called Izu but weren't affected by the tsunami.
Thank god. Watching the news and video footage it's amazing that more people weren't injured or killed. My thoughts are with everyone in Japan who is still trying to find out news about loved ones. 日本の皆さんお大事に。
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