After a craptacular week that involved a 5:30am night and various other MBA funness, this Saturday is quite spectacular. The weather's great, got a good 1.5 hours of basketball in and its El Clasico tonight (Barca vs. Real Madrid). To incorporate internet lingo, this Saturday is full of WIN.
Post 1, 2 and 3 Anyways, to finally wrap up our trip to the French Riviera. The highlight of our last day was the trip to Île Sainte-Marguerite. The island made famous due to it housing Man in the Iron Mask. I totally thought it was a creation of Alexander Dumas but apparently the real prisoner was the inspiration for the book.
It was raining quite a bit in the morning and the SO's boots weren't as waterproof as initially expected.
This looks like the perfect time to take a boat ride out to the island.
Oh yeah. Totally safe.

Fortunately, the waves weren't too bad and we made it to the island safely. The island houses a military fort, a couple of other buildings and a private estate of an Indian billionaire. The above picture is of the fort complex.
They wouldn't let us take pictures of the inside of the prison so all you get is this picture of pottery. It's special pottery. Not because I said so but because it was brought up from a shipwrecked Roman boat off the coast of Cannes.
Umbrellas are multipurpose. You can poke people with them, use them as a walking cane, create an entire pop song about them and use them to repel water. So useful. The perfect storm was followed by sunshine and blue skies. Très bien.
Attached to the wall were pulleys, and I'm assuming ropes were attached to lower or raise stuff from something below those metal plates. Supposedly there was a dungeon in the prison so maybe it was used for nefarious activities.
If I remember correctly, the prison cell housing The Man in the Iron Mask was the 2nd one from the left. Great view. Too bad about that iron mask thing. Oh and being incarcerated for 30+ years.
The fort complex. Some of the buildings are used as hostels for schoolchildren so that they can spend a couple of days in the fort learning about stuff. When I was in elementary school we had Outdoor Science Camp so I'm assuming it's the same thing. Actually, we didn't go. We had the opportunity to go but our teacher was 80 years old and nixed the whole trip for our year because she was too freaking old to spend a week out in the wilderness.
Well. No fresh water source on the island so all rainwater was collected. Nowadays they have a pipe running from the mainland. They aren't keeping it real.
The prison. It looks like a happy place from afar.
Landscaping is not a top priority within the fort.
I took a picture of the cemetery. I was hoping to get some paranormal activity captured but it didn't happen.....this time.
When the weather turned it really highlighted the beauty of the surrounding ocean. It almost looks tropical.
Clear and shallow waters.
Our flight left at 8:50pm so we had to head back to the mainland and get ourselves to the airport.
Au revoir creepy prison island.
Our last dinner in France was at the airport restaurant. In the US this would've been 20 bucks. In France 10 euros.
Look at that. Something healthy. That definitely offsets the 15 other 3 course meals that we had while in France. Uh huh.
And......with that we conclude our trip to France.
Merci France! We had a great time.
SO and me.
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