Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Preview of the Honeymoon pics

I have approximately 1200 pictures from our honeymoon. That's just on my camera. I think the SO has another 400. We also have about 60 minutes of HD video. Soo...there's a lot to sift through. I finally got through the 1200 pictures from my camera so thought I'd give you all a preview of what I hope will be the honeymoon post extravaganza.
Cape Town was a lot more interesting than I expected. It reminded me a bit of LA. It's super diverse but still got the beach-y laid back feel. The Malay people are the mutts of South Africa. They're a combination of Black, Indian and everything in between. One guy decided that he'd paint his house in wild colors and it caught on. The result is now a tradition in the Malay neighborhood. 

Just beautiful scenery in Cape Town. Too bad the ocean is FULL of Great Whites and I'm not talking Larry Bird. Ferocious, man eating sharks. Our last day in Cape Town there was a shark attack where a man lost his leg. It's Shark Week every week in Cape Town. 

The Dassi is actually a giant rat. It was cute when I first saw it but now that I know it's a giant rat, somehow the cuteness wears off. 

We were so freaking far from home. To get to Cape Town it was a 9 hour flight from LAX to Heathrow. A 4 four layover in Heathrow and then a 11 hour flight to Cape Town. Yeah, pretty brutal. 

Just awesome views at Cape Point. 

The SO enjoying the views from Chapman's Pass. 

For our safari we stayed at the Sable Camp in the Mala Mala Reserve. Just an amazing experience. I really can't describe how awesome the safari was. The camp was spectacular, Ryan our ranger was so informative and the meals were just superb. I wish I could live there but I'd go broke around day 2.5. Oh and we saw the Big 5 and then some in the 3.5 days we were there.  

Leopards during mating season mate every 15 minutes for 4-5 days. We must've seen these leopards mate about 8 times. I have about 100 pictures of them mating in different locales. It's like I shot leopard porn. 

The main camp had some skins from when the reserve was a private hunting lodge. 

The giraffes have a really bad staring problem. They just stand there and stare at you. Since they have such an advantage in vantage points they end up staring at you from like 1000 yards out and keep staring at you as you get near them. All the shots I have are them just looking stupidly into the camera. This is honestly one of five where they aren't looking at the camera. 

The lion pride on the reserve consisted of about 4-6 males and a whole bunch of lionnesses with 4 pups in the midst. We caught the pups in the middle of a feed. 

Female lion with some battle wounds.

So I have many more pics to go through. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. love! want more pics :)
    p.s. baby lions are cubs. baby seals are pups :P
