Friday, January 29, 2010

An actual post about the ESADE program

When I was at Deloitte I participated in a number of recruiting events throughout the course of the year. Yes, the lure of free drinks, food and other goodies was somewhat of a contributing factor for my participation, but I also felt that it was critical for my career development as well. The undergraduates we recruited and eventually hired would become my staff at some point and thus their ability to work hard and work well was critical for the success of the audit engagement. So amidst the drinking and socializing I did my fair share of analyzing the potential of a candidate. Granted, it was more of a "can I be in small closet sized office with them for 70 hours a week during busy season and not have to take them out back and beat them" type test but it was still a test nonetheless. When I think about it, its pretty selfish but I feel that in the end it's beneficial for the firm and my colleagues.    

At ESADE I requested to be part of the Open Day panel discussions and meet and greets because of a similar selfish drive. For Open Day my role is as an information provider and representative of the school so I've gone more into a marketing role but the goal is still the same. I, and I'm sure all of my classmates at ESADE, want to see the school become recognized as one of the top European business schools as well as one of the top global MBA programs. The Financial Times just recently ranked us 19th in the world but those rankings really don't mean jack when there are still companies out there who ask "what's ESADE?" We can't fix that overnight but we can guide it in the right direction by recruiting bright and ambitious MBA candidates with diverse profiles and excellent work experience. 

Now, although I do want to see ESADE recruit the best and the brightest and always want to portray the school in the best light, I will admit there are problems. Yes, the job market has been tough for the Class of 2010 but I believe it has been tough for everyone, no matter what business school you attend. Readers of my blog who are looking into applying to ESADE or are debating whether to attend IESE vs. ESADE or ESADE vs. other business schools for 2012 should realize that if anything else, the students, faculty and program management are truly committed to making ESADE a top notch institution. 

By the way, if anyone has any questions regarding my thoughts on IESE versus ESADE please let me know as I went through a similar process of having to decide which school to attend. 

I promise starting next week I'll go back to non-serious posts.

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