I've already had a week of Spanish classes at ESADE so technically it wasn't my first day but today truly marked the start of the MBA. After gathering in the ESADE forum at 9:30 we quickly were introduced to the program(me- for you English folk), ESADE staff and finally to the various students that make up the Class of 2011.
It's cliche to state that an MBA class is diverse but it truly is. 47 countries represented, 33 languages spoken, a cross section of functions and industries from consulting, finance to NGOs and entrepreneurs. I've met a number of fellow classmates over the course of the past week but it really didn't hit me how diverse our group is.
I think what most amazes me is that pretty much everyone speaks at least two languages. I was lamenting to my non-US classmates that our language programs in the States really aren't geared towards truly learning a different language. The language classes start too late in our educational development and aren't stressed enough to promote bilingualism. I thank god that my parents were persistent enough to force me to learn Japanese.
In any case, couple of interesting facts I learned while watching a slideshow of the each student and their background. To maintain privacy I won't name names but some interesting tidbits: one person graduated university at 19, one person completed the Ironman Triathlon and one person knows 6 languages and is fluent in 4.
A curriculum that we stared today and that I really think sets ESADE apart from the other MBA programs is the Leadership and Development (LEAD) program. To summarize, the LEAD program, through questionnaires, peer evaluation and other methodologies, provides a comprehensive overview of your learning style and tries to assist your development of the leadership skills necessary for the future. To some it sounds and is, a bit too touchy feely. It may be but I feel that there's enough to information provided that allows you to sift through all the data to find and utilize what you feel is necessary and vital for your own development.
To top off the day we got a bunch of "free" stuff, like an ESADE laptop bag, notebook, pen, folder and water bottle. I'll take some pics later for everyone's viewing pleasure. *Now updated with pictures*
Tomorrow is the 2 day team building and career services event offsite at a conference center/hotel in the outskirts of Barcelona. Should be fun. I hope we do those trust games that always end up badly.
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