Friday, December 18, 2009

So long, and thanks for all the ish

Yesterday marked the end of Term 1 of our ESADE MBA. Looking back over the past four months so much has happened.

I arrived in Barcelona on August 21st. I arrived knowing no one and with nary an idea as to what I would face over the coming months. The past four months taught me so many new things that its almost unbelievable. Couple of things just off the top of my head:
  1. You can subsist on ham and cheese sandwiches and beer for a considerable amount of time before your body starts wanting more than salted pork and dairy.
  2. Spanish food can get boring after the first month or so.
  3. Unread copies of the Wall Street Journal/Financial Times can act as kindle, table or chair levelers or a reminder that you really should start reading these things.
  4. The 22 bus on Monday mornings is a sure fire way to be late to class. 
  5. 1.20 euro beers at the cafeteria are the perfect way to end a day of classes.
  6. Moral hassa, think about it and que hora es will forever live as the ESADE inside joke
  7. No matter what Spain+efficiency will NEVER be mentioned in the same sentence unless lack precedes efficiency.
  8.  Blackberries and BBM are the greatest thing ever invented. 
  9. Groupwork is a major pain but absolutely necessary. It is also a great source of gossip. 
  10. You can never stop learning from your classmates.
The term is over now and for 2.5 weeks I don't have to worry about lectures, case studies, homework, groupwork, exams and everything else related to school. It will be a weird sensation not being at school though. I spent pretty much every day with my classmates on and off campus. We had class, ate together, studied together and partied together. Seeing everyone say their goodbyes last night really made me realize how tight-knit our group had gotten over the past four months and it's really no surprise considering the amount of time we all spent together living the ESADE MBA life and going through the ups and downs of a B-school student.

Anyways, our class definitely lives up to the work hard play hard mentality and we kicked off our End of Term 1 celebration with a Xmas group dinner at El Rodizio Grill. Five words. All you can eat BBQ. Three words. Wine and Cava. One word. Awesome. We essentially took over the entire restaurant as about 100 ESADE students converged upon the place. I'm pretty sure the other customers were thoroughly annoyed by us but whatever its our party and we'll be loud if we want to.

Then it was off to Opium Cinema. This is where everyone stepped it up a notch. The past month really took a toll on everyone and walking the hallways of ESADE you could see it. But, last night was different. It was just great seeing everyone with a huge smile on their faces. It was kinda like before we started when we were just reveling in the moment surrounded by our new friends in a new city but now we were surrounded by old friends in a familiar city. Once again, because there were about 150 of us there we essentially took over the club, which led to my favorite moment of the night; a group karaoke of Last Christmas. Similar to Bon Jovi, Wham songs are known worldwide. The power of George Michael.

So I leave for NYC tomorrow and am heading back home. It'll be nice to be home but honestly I will miss ESADE and my friends. You guys really are the best and I thank everyone for making these past four months so memorable. I couldn't ask for a better group of people.

So next post will be from the comfort of my parent's place. I bid you all adios and to everyone travelling during the next couple of days safe travels.

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