The dream is over. For the past 2 years I've been shielded from the harsh realities of the real world and have been safely cocooned in the shelter of business school. From Barcelona to Ann Arbor, Michigan I've burrowed my head in studies, socializing and pontificating with my classmates about the failures of Spanish bocadillos. Now that I'm done, what did I learn? Well, in no particular order and in a very superficial introspective view.
- I am absolutely lucky to have such a wonderful and amazing SO. She is everything I am not and more.
- I am highly dependent on Japanese food to survive.
- There's always a reason stereotypes exist. I'm looking at you, you Germans.
- I cannot make a solid presentation without making people laugh.
- You cannot beat a solid American/English breakfast as a way to cure a hangover.
- Spanish food is only good for about 3 weeks. After that you just get bored of eating oily, salty food.
- Apres ski. My new favorite thing.
- The Midwest is freaking cold. Really freaking cold. Think cold and multiply that by 100.
- I've retained a bare minimum of academic knowledge from my classes. This includes my classes at Ross. I was never a good student.
- Life sometimes just works out. There really is no sense in freaking out and obsessing over the details. Gotta adapt to the changes and just maintain that big picture view and prioritize your needs/wants.
Over the course of the past 1.5 years my ESADE classmates and I have gone through a lot. "Moral hazzard" - "Once you go black..." "Innnnovation...hehehe"...*pointing to Spanish person* Who was the CEO of ____ from 1967-1972. How do you not know this? You are SPANISH." and everything in between.
All the experiences bonded us over time. We started off as complete strangers from across the world and now we've all dispersed to the far corners of the world, but as family. Our emotional goodbyes and see ya laters were tough. I get teary-eyed thinking about it. But, as I head off to my new adventures in NYC I know that everyone is still out there. My family. Waiting for the next time we all meet again and relive those memories of our time together. I will miss you all. Thank you for everything.
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