Hope everyone from back home enjoyed their Thanksgiving break. Reading the various Facebook status messages that were typed out as everyone gorged on turkey, stuffing and gravy it appears many achieved the goal of Thanksgiving; To stuff yourself so full of food that you question why you aren't wearing pants with an elastic waist. To those who actually wore pants with elastic waists to maximize food intake, I salute your gluttony and pity your coronary.
Anyways, it should be no surprise that they don't celebrate Thanksgiving here in Spain. It should also be no surprise that as Americans we will never let that stop us from celebrating it in style. Because of our Finance project, which I'm sure most of you are sick of reading about it, Thanksgiving (observed) was Saturday and not Thursday. I pretty much spent the entire Saturday afternoon making my Mac and Cheese.
I was quite impressed by my own creation. It was four cheese Mac and Cheese with Mozzarella, Gouda and Cheddar, chopped bacon and grilled onions and topped with parmesan cheese. All placed inside the oven prior to serving to get the parmesan cheese nice and toasted.
Total food and drink tally for Thanksgiving:
- 2x 4.2kg turkeys
- Mac and Cheese
- Stuffing
- 2x bowls of salad
- Mashed potato and gravy
- 2 sweet potato pies
- 1 apple pie
- 18 bottles of wine
- 1 cheese and cracker platter
All eaten while watching some college football.
The moment I heard Al Michaels voice on the ESPN broadcast, I felt as though something tickled my brain. While I sat there stuffing my face with turkey and gravy and talking to my classmates about random stuff with the noise of the college football game in the background all I could think of was America F@!& Yeah.
Oh and Monday was the culmination of the countless hours spent on this cockamamie Finance project. Wow, I actually spelled cockamamie right on the first try. To be honest I screwed it up on the second one but anyways....Monday was our Finance presentation and it's a load off everyone's backs. I actually enjoyed the Finance class and felt that I learned a lot from it but really during some parts of this project I felt....

So I'm off to London on Wednesday for a couple of days to visit some consulting firms with the Consulting Club. It'll be a chance to network and get a personal feel for the companies. Pip pip cheerio guv'nor.
They still talk like that right?
Oh and Monday was the culmination of the countless hours spent on this cockamamie Finance project. Wow, I actually spelled cockamamie right on the first try. To be honest I screwed it up on the second one but anyways....Monday was our Finance presentation and it's a load off everyone's backs. I actually enjoyed the Finance class and felt that I learned a lot from it but really during some parts of this project I felt....

So I'm off to London on Wednesday for a couple of days to visit some consulting firms with the Consulting Club. It'll be a chance to network and get a personal feel for the companies. Pip pip cheerio guv'nor.
They still talk like that right?
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