Being the constant worrywart, my mom keeps telling me to make sure I eat properly and get enough sleep. The sleep part...well she may have reason to worry but the eating part I am definitely making sure I keep up that end of the promise.
Anyways, on to the pictures since my words tend to have this hypnotic effect of boring people.
Classmate of mine found this place down in Gracia. 4.5 Euros for a crepe, which is kinda expensive but there's really no price for dessert satisfaction.
Europe 1: America 0 when it comes to spreadable chocolate that can be applied to any fruits, crackers or pastries.

We ate at this Italian restaurant called La Tagliatella for a classmates birthday. The portions were huge. For the first time since I got here I actually felt really stuffed after a restaurant meal. This was another classmate's dish but it gives you an idea of how much food there was.

What's a birthday party without cake, which in the restaurant's case was this dessert with a candle on it. Happy birthday was sung in German, English and then Spanish.
So, yes mom, I am eating well.
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