The entire train was full for the duration of the 1 hour trip from Plaza Espana to Montserrat. Those red dots that indicate what station you're approaching becomes like a giant middle finger by the 45th minute.
The cremallera (train) that takes you to the Abbey.
Safety in numbers. I don't understand why people congregate like that. Guess what happened when the train came? They had to move down to where I was because that car became full. Bryan 1: Other tourists -2. Why -2? Because it's my blog and I dictate the scoring.
So as you can see the weather was absolutely beautiful and the monastery very cool looking. The thing was rebuilt in the 18th century due to Mr. French tiny man, Napoloean, razing the building. Take away point here: Never trust tiny French men with grand visions of world domination because they'll even take out your 9th century churches.
Disney plagiarizes everything. For the longest time I always thought those statue heads in Haunted Mansion were some Disney magic technology but then I realized this trick has been around for centuries.
The summit of Montserrat is 1236m above sea level and is the highest point in the Catalonian low lands. As some of you can attest I am a person of great physical ability so I figured I'd give this "hike" a try. The route I'm about to take is the one that goes from the center of the map to the top right. No biggie.
Jagged rocks. Not to be confused with the popular R&B group of the 90's Jagged Edge. The similarities are uncanny, I know.
View from about the 1/3 point looking down towards the monastery. As I've maxed out my attention span and probably yours, I'll save the rest of the hike for the next post. Don't let the suspense kill you.
I love your blog haha. You're hilarious. A star is born!