For those of you anxiously awaiting Part 2 of my trip to Montserrat you'll have to wait till Friday. I got bigger fish to fry today. (It rhymes)
Beyond the personal and educational development, a big reason people attend B-school is to change careers or accelerate their current trajectory. To facilitate that transition, ESADE has developed weekly seminars to prepare us for recruiting. Some of our Career Services counselors are former I-bank recruiters or Consulting firm recruiters so the previous seminar was to outline the do's and don'ts of recruiting. Given what transpired at ESADE Career Week I'd like to create my own Do's and Don'ts list applicable for the students and company representatives.
Do: Attend the company presentations for those companies you are interested in.
Don't: Get called out by the company representative for doing something other than listening attentively. Happened a couple of times in different presentations. It's like when you're gf catches you looking at the pretty girl across the street. You swear that she just looks familiar and you were trying to pinpoint if you knew her from high school or university but at that point your cover is blown.
Do: Welcome the company on behalf of ESADE.
Don't: Say the company name wrong. This was my boneheaded move. I was the company host for AD Little and introduced the company as "AD Little" at which point the Principal started off his presentation with "I'd like to thank you all for your interest in Arthur D. Little." Like saying to your gf "Remember that time we went to that restaurant" to which she responds "That wasn't with me."
Do: Utilize the networking coffee session to gain personal insight into the company.
Don't: Pull out your CV and go over it point by point with the recruiter or aka how to slowly kill the recruiter.
Do: Realize that as important as getting a job or an internship is, really, in the end it's just a job. A job is just what we do to fill in the time in between all the other things that are more important like family, friends, socializing, etc.
Don't: Forget that I still need an internship/job to pay for stuff.
My materialism and hippie-ism has a conflict of interest.
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